GRACIE's Web Page

Calico / Tabby / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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My Rescue
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  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Rescue ID: 16-0039
  • General Color: Calico or Dilute Calico
  • Color: ORANGE/BLACK / Calico
  • Current Size: 5 Pounds
  • Current Age: 8 Years 9 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
Gracie was found stuck between a tree and nylon construction fencing by her GERMAN SHEPARD big brother.  He was adament he was going to het his foster mom's attention that she was there.
We think she was dumped in the area and tried to hide and got stuck.
She is an awesome little girl.  She was brought into home with 3 large cats that showed her the way and took good care of her. 
She is somewhat of a Prima Donna.  She likes to be held tightly to feel safe.  She will whine like a little baby with a cute kitten voice.  Then when she wants to get your attention, don't be fooled.  She ROARS like a LION, with a huge voice. 
Gracie loves to chase balls and lazer pointers.  Those will keep her entrtained forever.
Please check Gracie out and consider adopting her with one of her brothers for company.

More about GRACIE

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids


Other Pictures of GRACIE (click to see larger version):